And that is the end of the pages in this journal. (One of "features" of
the updated Blogger editor is that you can "drag and drop" photos
to wherever you want them in the post. I guess I'm missing something
because it's not working for me.) Thus the strangeness of this
"layout." Plus the preview doesn't really show you what the published
post will look like. Plus I can't figure out how to get the type/paragraphs
to appear where I want them to. They always end up in no- man's- land.
I tried to drag and drop this copy block above, and then tried to copy
and paste it and then tried to move the cursor to where I wanted to start
typing. All...to no avail.
Aarrrgh...so when I published this post everything came out formatted differently (for the better) from how it appeared in the draft/preview.